Dear Friend:
I’m excited to announce that the California Labor Federation, which represents 2.1 million union members and is dedicated to promoting and defending the interests of working people and their families for the betterment of California’s communities, has endorsed my campaign for re-election to the State Assembly.
As someone who has spent my life and career standing up for working families, and having seen firsthand the struggle my parents and family has endured, I am incredibly honored to have won the support of the California Labor Federation. I know that together we will continue working to deliver even more for the hardworking men and women who put food on our tables, keep our state moving and make California a strong, vibrant place to call home.
Your vote by mail ballot will arrive in three weeks. I am grateful for your continued support and friendship and look forward to continuing to advocate for working families in my next term in the Assembly.
In service,
Wendy Carrillo
Democrat for State Assembly