Dear Friend:
The Los Angeles County Federation of Labor, which is comprised of over 800,000 working people and has fought for working families for over 100 years, has thrown its support behind my re-election campaign!
Standing up for and with working families is one of my highest priorities, from ensuring all workers receive a living wage, to safer working conditions, to a retirement with dignity, I will always be a champion for working people. The pandemic clearly demonstrated how frontline and essential workers are made of everyday people – farmworkers, grocery store workers, sanitation workers, healthcare workers, workers who kept the lights on and the water running – these are California’s unsung heroes that worked everyday to ensure others could safely quarantine.
It has been my deepest honor to have fought for and won the extension of COVID-19 Paid Sick Leave, both in 2021 and 2022 to ensure that workers didn’t have to choose between going to work sick or protecting their health or the health of a loved one. I am grateful to have the support of working families and the endorsement of the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor for my re-election.
As our list of support continues to grow to represent the new 52nd Assembly District, I know that together, we will bring home a win on June 7.
In service,
Wendy Carrillo
Democrat for State Assembly